Examples of projects

Digital Challenge in Higher Education – D-ChallengHE (2022-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000087029)

With the aim of promoting inter-connected HE systems and addressing digital transformation and innovation in learning and teaching practices D-ChallengHE consortium is working to:

  • Create a hub of universities and research institutes, as a permanent observatory that can work on the issues of digitization of the HE system at a European level, share best practices, and promote the collaboration among different institutions;
  • Build an online training course to empower professors, teachers to perform high quality online/ blended teaching actions in HE;
  • Identify and develop new online environments for HE, enhancing the gamification logic, to improve transversal and soft skills, i.e. e-leadership and digital maturity;
  • Elaborate assessment processes to safeguard quality standards and academic integrity in the context of online learning for a more flexible approach to address the online and blended delivery of study programmes;
  • Favour social innovation in the online and blended European HE Area through the sharing of experimented best practices among partners countries.

The role of the Institute for Education (Romania) is to develop guidelines for online and blended learning in higher education: design, delivery, assessment, evaluation of study programmes.


Digital Learning Paths – DLP (2021-1-BE02-KA220-VET-000028121)

Along with the changes in the classrooms brought by new digital technologies, changes in teacher training is as well high on the agenda of EU countries. OECD reports that innovation in teachers’ professional development and in teaching practices significantly benefits from using and exchanging (digital) teaching resources. The DLP project partners have assembled a possible way to support an important step towards increasing the relevance of learning, inclusion, equitable access to high quality training and resources.

Building a collaborative platform with digital resources, on which any teacher could build their own adapted learning path, is the mean that could be properly achieved through transnational collaboration between institutions with different experiences and expertise, various specialisation domains, different approaches to vocational training.

The scope of the project is twofold, on one hand to propose and validate a way to improve teaching and learning approaches in VET, on the other hand, to promote synergies, cooperation and cross-fertilisation between the different stakeholders active in the vocational education and the industry.

Within the project, the Institute is mainly responsible of the technical and pedagogical design of the learning paths on an integrative virtual platform. The development capitalises upon the experience in building a national portal for Open Educational Resources in Romania. More about the project: edict.ro/digital-learning-paths-an-approach-for-vet-improvement-erasmus-project/


Student Competences as Outputs of Research-based Education – SCORE (2017-1-ES01-KA201-038441)

SCORE project is supporting the development of a school culture that places an emphasis on evidence based decision making, scientifically based:

  • By using results of Discipline-based Education Research (DER), which combines knowledge of teaching and learning with deep knowledge of discipline-specific science content. This approach will help take into account the discipline-specific difficulties learners face and to make use of the specialised intellectual and instructional resources that could facilitate student understanding.
  • By employing research methods to display objective procedures to evaluate whether the teaching is effective. This will be performed by designing formative Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) activities and by monitoring student’s results by means of Learning Analytics Tools.

In particular, SCORE  project is aiming to help improve students’ achievement and attitude towards STEM subjects, through (1) development of training modules in Sciences and Maths for lower secondary school students (12-15 years old) to be integrated in the school LMSs, (2) training teachers and (3) testing the STEM curriculum support materials by enrolling students and their teachers in the Score Academy.


Teamwork, Training and Technology Network (540029-LLP-1-2013-1-IT-COMENIUS-CNW)

The TTTNet project is supporting teachers in science and math subjects who should become promoters of innovative educational process by implementing new teaching methods based on the “learning by doing”, critical thinking, active learning – approaches which stimulate students’ activity in the classroom and their willingness for further learning as an effective strategy to producing multi-skilled workforce that supports Europe’s drive towards a competitive knowledge-based economy.


Intel Teach programmes. In 2010, iTeach platform was chosen by the Ministry of Education and Intel to host the online training of 60.000 Romanian teachers – ”Intel Teach Elements” programme and ”Intel Teach Advanced Online” programme. »  Press release on http://oldsite.edu.ro/index.php/pressrel/14488

A monthly journal for teachers: ”iTeach: Didactic Experiences”. Since 2011, the Institute for Education has been constantly patronising a communication channel promoting classroom innovation. With more than 70 issues to date and more than 600 articles of around 450 authors, the publication is helping teachers to better define their activity, to design, develop and evaluate meaningful education situations – in the light of ”reflexive methodology”. » More on www.iteach.ro/experientedidactice

A portal with digital educational resources (OERs) and ideas for online learning approach. Since 2017, the Institute for Education is beeing developing DigitalEdu.ro, a platform with more than 7.000 resources developed by teachers + more than 1.500 ideas to approach education situations by using digital tools and platforms. » More on digitaledu.ro