Main activity

The activity of the Institute is, to a great extent, reflected by “iTeach”, a pivot programme started in 2009, in which the Institute has managed to attract and involve human and financial resources to develop a benchmark for the community of education system practitioners and specialists in the education systems of Romania and Moldova. This programme is relying on two platforms – and – gathering nowadays over 28.000 teachers from K-12 and from higher education.

iTeach programme aims to increase the quality and efficiency of teaching, by providing theoretical support, by disseminating good practices and local experiences, by promoting the valuable solutions, systems and services for education. A number of online courses are as well available on the platform, developed by (or in partnership with) companies, NGOs, state institutions such as: Intel, TEHNE- Centre for Innovation in Education, Ministry of Education Romania- Institute of Educational Sciences, House of the Teaching Staff (Bacau county), University of Bucharest- Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences- Teacher Training Department. » More on

Digitaledu is a platform with over 10k OERs, aiming to promote the responsible and adequate use of digital tools, platforms and resources in education. » More on

iTeach: Experiente didactice is a review for teachers, issued monthly starting with September 2011. The articles are mirroring the grassroots practices of Romanian education. (ISSN 2247 – 966X) » More on


the Institute’s specialists are working in various areas of education, from curriculum design to education programmes evaluation, carrying out services and providing expertise for students, teachers, teacher trainers, researchers, decision makers, as well as for a number of institutions among which we can mention

  • Intel Corp. (Intel Teach Elements – teacher training),
  • Lecturers Without Borders (LeWiBo),
  • Brio Teste Educaționale S.R.L.,
  • Universitatea din București – Facultatea de Psihologie și Științele Educației,
  • Universitatea Andrei Șaguna din Constanța,
  • SNSPA – Facultatea de Științe Politice,
  • Universitatea Vasile Alecsandri din Bacău,
  • Institutul de Științe ale Educației,
  • Casa Corpului Didactic Grigore Tăbăcaru, Bacău,
  • Casa Corpului Didactic Botoșani,
  • Save the Children International,
  • IEA Amsterdam (International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement)